Some adventures in road and trail running.
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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Starting to work?!

I have been working hard doing more track workouts / tempo runs / fast long runs than ever before. If it does not kill me...I have to be stronger!

I have been following the following running plan. Using the Advanced advice and it is nice to have a "coach" even if it is just a piece a paper.

Last Saturday, Scotland and I ran a very sloppy Leif Erikson trail out to 10 miles and back. It went pretty well but I was definitely ready to be done on that last mile of downhill.

Then on Sunday, I got to do 100 kilometers with James and Mary on the bikes. I finally pulled my old triathlon bike down off the wall and took it out for a spin. It was great with the weather even cooperating! I have decided though it is not a good idea to end at my place with that nasty last hill. It also made me realize just how much training I have to do for Waldo. 100 kilometers is a long way to is a very very very long way to run!

Last Thursday I did my traditional 10 mile morning run with Scott and Rick and again set a training PR of 1:08:58. Still working on some of the stomach issues though.

For the first Black Saturday of the year I had the privilege of having my wife Trisha pace me while I did a another 20 miler on the Leif Erikson trail.

Dressed in my finest black running gear, we started in a very heavy downpour. I did not believe this type of weather should be possible in March in Portland! Trisha froze while riding on the bike and was super muddy but she helped me pound out 2:22:06...which I believe is my best for this 20 miles.
By the end of the run even my pale white legs were black from the mud! When it is Black Saturday, we mean it!

Next weekend will be a good test running the Vernonia Half Marathon. I will be trying for around 1:23.