Some adventures in road and trail running.
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Friday, March 6, 2009

Life on the Run in Tigard

Reason to Run got amazing front page press in the latest Tigard / Tualatin / Sherwood Times.

We think the article captures the essence of our reasons to run and as to why we have created a race hosting company.

Click on the image at left to read the "Life on the Run in Tigard" article for yourself.

We hope it kindles in you a desire to get out for a run or walk today and to register to join us for our Spring Burst 5k and Rush 10k April 11, 2009 events in Cook Park, Tigard.

Thanks to Stover E Harger III and Jaime Valdez from the Times for the article and the pictures.

By the way, Darin is still happily working for IBM (not Intel).


Brian Eberly said...

Great article! Enjoyed reading it.

Steve said...

Awesome! Good luck with your race. Wish I could be there.