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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Europa Review Visitors

On July 4th, I posted an Eclipse Europa Review on my blog. Since then I have had approximately 1000 hits referred to my blog for this review from places like DZone and Planet Eclipse.

I know this as I have a nifty site meter on my blog which tracks data like referring URL and location.

One of the things I have found most interesting is the country distribution of people coming to look at the review.
While I know the data set is small, I find many things interesting from the general indication:

Why is it that China does not show up?
From the information that I have, China is the largest single download "consumer" of Eclipse.

Is it a language issue?
Is this something we could look into falling under the scope of the Eclipse translation project, Babel?
Same for Korea.
Or is it simply a limitation of the site meter?

I would have expected more hits from India based on the download distribution.

The large distribution of countries that are using Eclipse: who knew about Algeria and Malta?

All in all it truly is amazing at the global spread of Eclipse!


Venu said...

India a paltry 3%, I for one know that its picking nicely over here in India.

One reason could be that people are stuck and happy with older version

Upgrading to new version is a pain if you know about the download speeds over here :)

Gunnar said...

China does not show up because is not accessible from their. At least, that's what we found out when working with my Google SoC student located in China.