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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Church Service 2008

With the history setting winter weather we have had in Portland this past week most, if not all, Christmas Eve church services were canceled.

Not to be deterred, Cole planned a Swanson family service complete with home made program.

He designated himself as the "priest" and piano player with Leah as the special music and assistant. Trisha and Grandma provided the catering. Apparently I was the silent benefactor :-)

We opened with Christmas carols with Cole and Leah doing the piano accompaniment.

Cole then read the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke.

This was followed by candle lighting and prayer time to remember those in need and to thank God for all the wonderful things in our lives.

The service wrapped up with chocolates and cookies provided for all the parishioners and service participants.

Merry Christmas to all from the Swansons!


Family of God said...

That is real life worship my friend Merry Christmas

Brian Eberly said...

Sounds as good, if not better, than anything we had planned at church. Love it!

Merry Christmas to you all!